Maserati Service Centre, Roseville NSW

Reitsma completed the Maserati Service Centre for the McCarroll’s Automotive Group. The project involved a complete fit-out of a 2,500m2 workshop in keeping with the complex and intricate Maserati corporate image specification. The workshops above, below and adjacent to the works operated throughout the entire construction, with parts of the construction site being used to store vehicles throughout the project. The internal offices were fitted out with feature curved and lacquered glass with finishes imported from Italy to match the Maserati showrooms as built by Reitsma previously. The scope of works involved a complete fit-out of benches, equipment and hoists imported from Europe and converted to Australian Standards during installation. The ramps were regraded to allow a smooth transition for the Maserati vehicles throughout the workshop and an epoxy product was applied across the floor. Another successfully delivered automotive project working with Figgis and Jefferson Architects.

Maserati Service Centre, Roseville NSW