New Project Won

New Project Won
April 27th, 2014
Marist College, Penshurst NSW

Reitsma has just been awarded the large construction works at Marist College, Penshurst. Works to commence soon.

New Project Won
April 15th, 2014
Oran Park Anglican Church, Oran Park NSW

Reitsma has just been awarded the construction of the new Anglican church in Oran Park town centre. The works involve the construction of an impressive new worship complex with large outdoor areas and car-parking.

New Project Won
February 5th, 2014
WFM Motors, Granville NSW

Recently awarded to Reitsma Constructions is the design and construction of new car showroom and associated site works, for WFM Motors, Granville.

New Project Won
January 28th, 2014
St Mary Queen of Heaven, Georges Hall NSW

St Mary Queen of Heaven, Georges Hall has been recently awarded to Reitsma Constructions. Works involve the refurbishment of existing playground, pathways and landscaping. Works have commenced on site.

New Project Won
January 28th, 2014
St Patricks Marist College, Dundas NSW

Reitsma Constructions has been awarded the new extension and refurbishment to an existing classroom block to create a multi-purpose space for St Patricks Marist College, Dundas. Works have commenced on site.
